Pastor Chris’ Message: Rejoicing Angels

Mercy and Grace Ministries hit a milestone last weekend! God did 21 services through us at five different prisons! Whewww, God is moving and His hand is upon us!!! Thank you sooo much for all of your prayers and financial support.  We could not do it without you, so YOU are a part of everything that we do!

I do two church services every month at Tehama County Jail. I actually spend the night before at the house of a Sheriff Sergeant and her retired Sheriff husband. Yes, praise God: I really have police friends in Christ now!

Pastoral visits have grown at Tehama County Jail–tripling from two men to six. These are men that I connected with or God put on my heart to see from the services the night before. They also include men whom the sergeant suggests.

While delivering a sermon, I called out a man by name to read the scriptures. He asked, “How did you know my name?” I told him that I asked someone else what his name was during the prior service as he was leaving.

He told me about an inmate he knew who was just sentenced to 18 years and was very depressed. He told me that the man does not go to church and might refuse a visit from a pastor but suggested I try.

I had never done this before but asked the Sheriff’s Deputy to add him to my list. Oh, praise God, he came to the visit!

This man had tattoos on his face and devil horns on his head. It was around a thirty-minute visit and then I began to leave for the service.

As I was walking away, he said, “God works all things out for good.” I said, “No, He doesn’t. He works all things out for good for those who love Him. And the first step to loving Him is accepting His Son.”

So I asked him if he was ready to accept Jesus Christ. He said, “Yes.”
Whewww, the Angels in Heaven are rejoicing!!!