Pelican Bay SHU

Psalm 145:3 “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.”

Recently in the SHU (Security Housing Unit) at Pelican Bay State Prison, a man told me that it was his 24th Birthday today. I sang Happy Birthday to him. It was amazing because I had never sung to anyone in the SHU before. He ended up accepting Jesus Christ, whewww!!! This was his best birthday ever! I have found that people do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
I met another man in the SHU where he had lived for seven years. He is now the leader of the church. This does not make any sense, but God’s ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts. As I have been going to Pelican Bay for around five years now, I have built relationships with many of our Christian Brothers in blue. One man whom I have known for several years told me how he was raised by his mother: he used to use drugs with her, she was in a gang, and had gone to prison. I am not saying that whatever he did was OK. However, I wonder what I might be doing if I were raised up like he was.

Thanks for all of your prayers; they are making a huge difference! Pastor George told me about the prayers of one of Mercy & Grace’s intercessors. This person prayed that we would have favor with the guards. We did not know about this prayer yet it was answered with incredible favor with many of the guards. One guard, stationed at the gate, smiled and waved at us. At another time, she said, “If you have any more joy, you are going to have to be drug tested.” Pastor Christopher replied, “It is the joy of the Lord!”
Please pray for us, as God is stretching us, Big Time! We want to make it financially until donations at the Banquet on November 5th. Please pray that God will continue to provide for us and direct our steps.

Mercy and Grace Ministries appreciates you and we thank God for you!
In Christ, Chris