Miracles in the midst of ministry suffering

Miracles in the midst of ministry suffering

And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ–if indeed we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him.” Romans 8:17

We were going to Pelican Bay State Prison, which is quite a long trip for us. We drive all day on Thursday and then spend Friday in the SHU (Security Housing Unit). We do up to seven services on Saturday and Sunday and then drive home on Monday. Pastor George had surgery to remove Melanoma Cancer.  A normal person would stay home and heal, but Pastor George is not normal.

The Holy Spirit put it on his heart to go, so he went. He still had bandages on his head and back, which were changed daily by Pastor Christopher. God is still in the miracle business. We were going cell to cell in the SHU.  An inmate told Pastor George that he had been praying that day for someone to come to his cell and talk to him about God. Praise Him.

In Christ,

Pastor Chris