Guest Message: The Book of Life

It was Friday afternoon and we were visiting the men in Pelican Bay State Prison's Special Housing Unit (SHU). I approached a cell with a young man in it and began to make small talk with him. He was only about 20 years old, and the conversation quickly turned to to the Bible.

The Lord put it on my heart to ask him if he had ever heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He said, "no." So I began to speak to him about sin, righteousness, and the judgment to come as well as the cross of Jesus, his resurrection, and his call to repentance.

Half-way through my message, this man--Eddie--asked if he could share something. I replied, “of course." Then he said, “Last night, I asked God to send me a sign and then you guys came today." I continued with the Gospel message and then quoted John 1:12, which says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

After this, Pastor Chris said, ”We’ve got to go." Our time in the SHU had come to an end. So  I asked Eddie, “Do you want to receive Christ as your Savior right now?”. He said, “Yes” and he did.

On the way out I said, “Eddie, read Revelation about the Book of Life because your name is in it.”


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