Church Services
- We have done over 2,882 Services
- 105,371 People have attended our services and heard the Good news!
- 14,111 People have accepted or recommitted to Jesus Christ!
- Services are in English and sometimes in Spanish
Letter Writing
- We have a 21 strong letter writing ministry of volunteers
- We are writing to Men and Women in 12 prisons across:
- Utah
- Idaho
- California

Locations Served
- We currently go in to 13 different prisons¹ spanning multiple states:
- California
- Florida
- Utah
- Idaho
- We are able to do between two and six services a month depending on the facility
¹ See our facilities page HERE
96% of all inmates will be released at some point
Statistics show that 68% of individuals released will reoffend¹ within just 3 years; recidivism is reduced when inmates are connected to Faith based programs behind the walls, and in one study convictions dropped by 35%².
If you had a son or daughter behind prison walls, wouldn't you want them to have the HOPE that is in Christ?
¹ Source: https://bjs.ojp.gov/ (2018 Update, Alper et al.)
2 Source: Estimating the Benefits of a Faith-Based Correctional Program Duwe & Johnson 2013